Sit (The Shores Book 1) Page 8
After the longest day ever, I couldn't get out of there fast enough. I was peeling out of the lot before Angie had the doors locked. Fuck Rick’s shitty attitude, I had a shower to take and my woman to pick up. The drive home was too long, and traffic sucked, but I finally pulled up at my condo and nearly forgot to put Jolene in park. Jolene was the love of my life, so fucking up where she was concerned meant I had really lost my damn mind. I showered and rushed across town to park next to Ozma’s yellow VW at exactly seven. I stopped before getting out to check my appearance and make sure I didn’t have cat hair on me. I made it to the second step of their stoop before Blair jerked the door open, looking at me like I had just killed her puppy, and backed me down toward the cars with her hand on my chest. If looks could kill.
“You and I need to talk. She’s getting ready and I have something to say to you before this goes down.” I leaned back on her green car and crossed my arms, ready to do battle. First Rick and now Blair. It was like no one wanted me to take the girl to dinner. “One: Hurt her and I will kill you with no remorse. Two: Go easy on her. She’s been through some shit, and hates men, or she did. I don’t know why she agreed to go out with you after the way you pissed her off, but she did. Three: you better be a fucking gentleman because Oz is as innocent as they come. Back to number one: If I see her shed one tear over you, I will end you. One. Tear.” She adjusted the collar of my shirt and patted my chest once, “Now, you two have a good time.” Blair climbed in her car and backed up past Jolene out of the driveway with a wave.
I shook my head, brushed off my shirt, and went to knock on the door. A bark and a crash later, Ozma opened the door, looking a little breathless and a lot sexy as hell. The dress clung at her hips and across her chest, accentuating her waist. It was short enough to see every curve, and I had to just stare.
“Hey, you look amazing,” The compliment came out as a breath, and she mumbled a thank you, with a red face. “Ready?” She looked sexy as hell.
“Yeah,” Ozma grabbed a bag from the table and shut the door. I took her hand and led her to Jolene, opening the door to let her in, and running around to jump in on the driver’s side. “Where are we going?” her seatbelt clicked and Ozma scooted to face me. I wanted to kiss her, but it would have been sudden and completely wrong timing, so I just started the car. The last thing I needed was to piss her off again by acting like a damn animal.
“Depends on how much time you want to spend with me,” I braced my hand on her seat to look behind me as I backed out.
“How much time you got?” As soon as she said it, her face turned that sexy red and she covered her mouth. “I have no idea why I said that.” Ozma closed her eyes and turned back toward the road like she couldn’t bear to look at me. The girl who had no problems getting in my face to yell at me was shy and I never would have guessed it. “Sorry, I have as long as you want.”
“Well, let’s start with fondue for dinner,” I reached over and took her hand from her lap, pulling it to the arm rest, and lacing her fingers with mine. A ragged breath came from her and she gave me a small nod. “If you’re tired of me after dinner, I’ll take you home. If not, we can find something else to get into.” I got another nod and drove us toward the restaurant. Her other hand picked at her dress nervously and it was cute as hell.
After a stint of silence and several glances across Jolene, Ozma spoke, “I don’t… Uh…” She huffed and closed her eyes, “Is this a date?” A passing street light and the lowering sun showed her cheeks redden again and I smiled. Blair was on to something with the innocence, and I loved it.
“Yes,” I answered without leaving room for argument, and caught the smile taking over her full lips, showing off those dimples, “Is that okay?” It better have been okay. The woman was all I had thought about for a week straight, and as shitty as it made me, I was hoping the date ended well for both of us.
“Yeah, so how was your day?” The Ozma I was coming to know, the one whose smile took over my world, and whose anger made me want to shove her against a wall in a good way, was back. “Any happy stuff? I don’t want to hear anything sad since dates are supposed to be happy.” Her hand was still in mine as I turned off the exit and weaved through the streets to our dinner reservation.
“I got to check out a litter of kittens today. They were found under a porch, but the lady is keeping them and bottle feeding them. They were cute as hell and had no tails.” Ozma adjusted so she was angled toward me and I threw Jolene in park. “Oh, and I missed seeing my favorite client, but the progress she’s made with her dog makes up for it.” I hadn’t flirted in ages, but her giggle gave me a boost of confidence. “Hungry?”
“Very,” With another smile, she grabbed her bag and got out of Jolene before I could open her door. I met her at the back of my car, reaching my hand for hers to lead her into the restaurant across the street. The feel of her small hand in mine drove home the idea that Ozma was made for me, supposed to be with me. I was put on earth to be with her. It took me less than a week to figure it out. Her short blonde curls bounced as we walk toward the black door lit with a small blue light. I knew better than to judge the place by the outside, but Ozma hesitated before following me. It looked far seedier on the outside than the upscale place inside, and she barely knew me. A short set of steps led us down to a hostess stand and once I gave my name, we were seated in a small booth with warmers between us for fondue. Ozma glanced across the table, chewing her bottom lip and I tried to keep my smile from scaring her off before we had a chance to eat.
Chapter Ten
“You are really going to have to talk to me,” We had ordered and were waiting for the food when Harris pulled me out of my staring at his amazing arms, “What happened to the woman calling me Dr. Douchebag a few days ago?”
I laughed, “I’m trying to get over my shock, but what do you want to talk about?” I sipped my Coke as I sat it down, Harris slid his hand across the table to take mine. His thumb slid over my knuckles, twisting my ring slightly. I watched his hand holding mine. My brain just couldn’t seem to process what was going on. I was on a date and that was crazy enough without it being with Mr. Tall, Hot, and Successful. I didn’t even want to think about the reaction every nerve ending was having over just holding his hand. Being touched like that hadn’t happened in a really long time and a heat started low in my gut at the simple gesture. There was no reason to be so turned on by hand holding.
“Now I want to talk about this shock,” His grip tightened just slightly, “Why is this shocking? You’re amazing and I want to know you more despite my terrible first impression.” The part where you just called me amazing. I had been asked out a few times since my Brad-tastrophe, but I’d never actually gone, hell, I was the unheard of twenty-two-year-old virgin. Not that I was a nun, I looked at men, but I didn’t want to be some number. As much as I loved Blair and respected her decisions, I didn’t want sex, I wanted a real connection, I wanted more than the casual orgasm, but men were all about hook-ups. I wanted love, and while I knew fairy tales weren’t real, I still wanted something similar. Right now, my hormones are about to change my mind. The waitress brought food and we thanked her.
“I don’t know, we got off to a rough start, I guess. There is also the little detail about me not dating. I know that sounds stupid, but I just don’t because men kind of suck,” Harris chewed, taking his hand from mine to wipe his mouth on the black cloth napkin. Good God, was he gorgeous. His beard had moved past two-day stubble and into a full on rugged beard. His gray button down was cuffed to his elbows, exposing his beautiful freckled forearms, and damn those eyes.
“I like our rough start. I like that you were ready to defend yourself and tell me I was being an ass. No one seems to have the guts to tell me when I’m acting like a jerk, and I guess it happens a lot. I haven’t been on a date in ages. It’s been so long that I had to use the almighty Google to find the perfect restaurant, and yes, men do suck.” One side of his mouth turn
ed up into that sexy smirk, and I nearly melted into a puddle at his feet. I had a really hard time believing that he hadn’t been with a woman in that long, but he was sticking with that story.
“It’s nice to know we are both going to be awkward tonight,” I relaxed when he laughed. It was deep and sexy, and left me relieved to be sitting down. Everything about him left me embarrassingly turned on.
After our awkwardness was out of the way, the conversation came easier. We talked about Ziggy, and his family. His dad passed away, so it was just his mom and sister. Even with only two people, he had more family than me. Then we talked about his car. Naming a car Jolene was the silliest thing I had ever heard, but when Harris said it, the whole idea was fun. He bought the car with his first paycheck out of vet school, and named her after the Dolly Parton song playing when he took the car for a test drive.
“I started her up and that song was on, loud and proud. I knew the car and I were meant to be, since Dolly and I are from the same hometown.” He shrugged like it was totally normal for a man to name his car after a Dolly Parton song.
“It’s weird, but I’ll give you a pass.” I teased.
“Gee, thanks. So, tell me about the boutique.” Harris smiled at me and I swooned. I told him about Blair and me starting the boutique and how stupid my father thought I was being. Against my better judgment all the details about my jerk of a father came spilling out.
“He thinks I’m being reckless, sinking all my money into a business that won’t make it, but I think the place has a real shot, and he’s negative about everything. I mean, we are the only boutique like that for miles and in a college town, I think we will thrive. I put a lot of effort in and did my research. I guess since my degree isn’t a masters, it doesn’t count.” I rolled my eyes dramatically, “My lack of job experience apparently has set me up for failure too. One retail job doesn’t exactly make me business owner material, but so far things are looking up.”
“Not that I know business, but from the turnout you had that first day, I’d say you’ve done a damn good job. Trust me, my first job out of school was worse. I worked for a vet across town. I was hired on the spot and figured out pretty fast that it wasn’t my knack for surgery. My boss fired me after the millionth time I told her I wouldn’t sleep with her.” Harris laughed, but it was uncomfortable, stiff. “I try not to proverbially ‘shit where I eat’ but beyond that, my boss is always off limits. I was lucky to find The Shores. They’re good people and put up with my asshole-jackass tendencies. When I offend their favorite client, they even tell me when I’m being a dick.”
Something weird started in me. Not that I didn’t already like Harris, a lot, but hearing that story, knowing he stuck to his guns, made me like him even more. The fact that he didn’t compromise his morals for a job was kind of sexy. Not as sexy as his appearance, but still sexy. And I really didn’t want to think about him sleeping with anyone, much less another super-successful vet.
“They are good people. It sucks that happened, but I’m glad you found a place with the Jenkins clan. I love everyone there so much.” The rest of dinner went the same, fun conversation with some really dry jokes thrown in on his part. By the time he paid the check, an entire kaleidoscope of butterflies was bouncing off every part of my insides, and I quit fighting it. Harris smiled when he talked, making his emerald eyes shine, and making me melt. He sucked at flirting as much as I did, and that made me fall a little harder. He held his hand out to help me from the table, and kept my hand in his to walk outside to find a rain storm in full force. It wasn’t cold or windy, just a lot of rain.
“Wait here,” Without hesitation, Harris jogged across the street in the rain, leaving me standing under the awning to watch his amazing ass as he ran. I briefly glanced down at my thick legs in my ankle boots and chewed my lip. What the hell is he doing out with me? Harris came back with an umbrella, holding it over me and stepping close. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and I thanked him, “Are you sick of me yet?” Not a chance, sexy. Whether I understood his motives or not, I wasn’t about to look too deep into it. I was having fun, rain or not.
“No,” My gaze lingered on his amazing green eyes a little too long and I felt a little breathless. I was thinking I could spend every waking second with this man and never get sick of him. Which was the exact opposite of how I felt a week before. Funny how fast he changed my mind.
“Good, come on,” Harris tugged at my shoulders, his body against mine, and my heart racing. I could feel all the hard muscles of his torso against me, and my body was rebelling against my brain. While my brain was reminding me that men suck, my body was busy begging the guy to take me. We walked along in the dark rain under the protection of his umbrella with me tucked under his arm for a few blocks. The city had old-school charm and lots of loft apartments to study as we passed, and the streetlights made it look picturesque in the rain. The storm meant the streets were empty and we were alone. He steered us into a park with more trees than I imagined being in the center of a city. Leaves were just thinking about changing so yellows dotted the green oaks and maples. There was a creek with a little stone bridge and a gazebo in the center surrounded by hydrangeas.
“Wow, how did I not know this was here?” I glanced up at my date, my date, and he smiled mischievously, leading us down the cobbled path. Once we topped a little hill, I saw where we were going and smiled. In the center of a little circle of hills, next to the gazebo, was a pond surrounded by the same brown cobblestone, filled with ducks that hadn’t flown further south yet. We walked the rest of the way to little pond.
Harris dug in his pocket, pulling out change and fumbling to keep the umbrella above us until I took it from him, stretching to hold it above. He dropped a quarter into the machine and turned the handle until duck food fell into his huge palm. He took the umbrella back and dumped half of the food into my cupped hands. The ducks were already gathering at our edge of the pond, awaiting a late night treat and quacking loudly. I crouched down, extending my hand and letting them peck the little brown chunks from my palm. I laughed at the sensation, almost forgetting Harris was there until his hand landed on my lower back as he crouched next to me. His touch sent me in three different directions. This burning desire to have him fulfill my fantasy and touch me all over took the lead, followed closely by the repulsion left over from the last time a guy had his hands on me, and then my insecurities brought up the rear. Everything about Harris was tall, sexy, and fit. There was not a single imperfection, not that I could see, but I was a different story. While the term curvy came to mind, so did the word ‘fat’. Granted, I had a great rack, but when you pair it with a thick middle and very round hips, I felt more than a little inferior than my date. My weight had never bothered me, even when Dad brought it up, until Harris came along, and I hated the self-conscious feeling I got when I pictured myself next to Harris. I never had anyone worth impressing, but I suddenly wanted to be as perfect as Harris.
“I used to study here when my roommates decided that the nights before exams were the perfect times for parties,” His voice rumbled around me, making me shudder. He was so, so close. All I had to do was lean and my lips would have been on his, but I stayed still, watching him watch me. Harris leaned in slightly, but stood abruptly, offering his hand to help me up. Once I stood, his arm snaked around my waist, pulling my body flush with his. Harris looked down at me like I was the only thing in the park. No rain, no ducks, no pond. Just me and him.
“Are you going to kiss me?” The question left my mouth as a sigh.
“Definitely,” Harris’ voice dropped lower and when his face got close to mine, my eyes closed. His mouth hit mine gently and my hands that were previously dangling stupidly at my side, slid up his chest. Holy hot bod, Batman. A warmth started at my toes and shot up to the top of my head and spread through the rest of me, making me weak and dizzy, but with his arm firm around my waist, I knew I was staying upright. The kiss changed slightly, deepening, turning into a promise of mor
e to come, and I relished the soft pressure of his mouth on mine. Everything I ever hoped to feel in a kiss slammed into me. It wasn’t intrusive, or rough, or groping, it was perfect. So, this is what I’ve been missing.
Harris broke the kiss and once I was capable of opening my eyes, I was staring up at Harris’ swoon-worthy smile and striking green eyes. My fingers were curled tight around the collar of his shirt, but I didn’t remember grabbing it. I quickly let go, mumbling an apology, and trying to back up. His arm held me firm against him, so I didn’t make it far.
“Why are you sorry?” I smoothed his collar, making a point to take in the muscles under his shirt, and not answering, “Can I do that again?”
Then I smiled, “Definitely.” And he did. His hand moved up my back, his palm flat against my every curve, to cradle the back of my head. I hooked my fingers around the back of his neck standing on my toes, and the rain picked up, slamming into our umbrella. His tongue skimmed my lower lip, seeking mine, and my lips parted. A rumble moved through his chest when our tongues touched and I pulled myself closer. The smell of rain mixed with the smell of him created a scent that made my head swim drunkenly. His mouth moved expertly on mine, and I was a second away from climbing up his oh so sexy body. A crack of lightning made us both jump and I laughed. I came down from my toes and my forehead hit his solid chest.