Sit (The Shores Book 1) Read online

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  “Let’s go before we get fried,” He tipped his head at the umbrella. Before I backed up, I was made fully aware of the steel rod pressed into my stomach. I glanced up quickly and caught him watching me intently for a reaction. Oh my God, I did that and it’s flipping huge. I felt the blush hit my cheeks and took a step back as his arm went around my shoulders again. We walked briskly in silence back to Jolene, and he opened the door for me to get in, then ran to his side and slid in. Before he started the car, his hand took mine and pulled it over to the center of the car to hold it.

  Far too quickly, we pulled in behind Blair’s green car and the silence got a little uncomfortable, “That was fun, thank you, Harris.” The rain had turned into a light mist, and the wipers swiped the droplets away.

  “I know you don’t date, but I was hoping to change your mind on that decision,” Harris let go of my hand to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. His knuckles trailed from my temple down my jaw before picking up my hand. Sweet baby Jesus, I am going to fall in love with him. “When are you free again?” Oh, right, he said something that I should respond to.

  “I, uh, I’m not sure,” In that moment, I wasn’t sure what my name was.

  “I’m on call next weekend at the emergency clinic, but my evenings are free all week,” Harris said it hopefully, like he truly wanted to see me again. “Soon? I kind of want to see your mad bowling skills up close and personal.” He picked up my hand to kiss my knuckles. It was like he couldn’t stop touching me and I didn’t want him to.

  “Thursday?” I squeaked the word out, closing my eyes as his lips touched my chin. Harris nodded, backed up, and opened his door. Before I could process what he was doing to me, he was opening my door and walking me to my stoop. I knew Blair was inside, waiting to hear all about my date, but I wanted more time with him. I wanted to drag him into my bed and lick every hard muscle under his gray shirt and dark jeans. Harris was changing my mind about sex, and fast. I wanted to be in love, even if it wasn’t lasting love, I wanted it to mean something. With Harris standing in front of me, looking at me like he wanted to return the body-licking-favor, I saw all kinds of opportunity and possibility.

  Harris cupped my face gently and leaned down to kiss me, making all the air leave my body and my toes curl. I really didn’t want him to leave. “See you Thursday,” He whispered against my lips, before kissing me again. He licked the seam of my lips until they parted for him and I pressed even closer. I shoved my insecurities aside, focusing on the hunger in his kiss, the impressive bulge in his pants, and the fact that plenty of thick girls had hot boyfriends. If he didn’t mind my weight, why should I? Harris took a step back, ran his hands through his dark red waves, and gave me a boyish smile. My swooning was getting out of hand.

  “See you Thursday,” I whispered back. With a quick peck to my temple, he strode down the steps to Jolene, looking back before he got in, and backed out into the dark. I stared stupidly until his car vanished down the street. I took a deep breath to settle the butterflies in my stomach.

  Blair was stretched out on the couch inside, with the TV on and Ziggy across her legs. My pup hopped up, scrambling toward me, and jumped straight up into my arms. I cooed at him like a baby while his nubby little tail went a mile a minute. I carried Ziggy to the couch, and Blair crossed her legs to let me sit.

  “What the hell are you watching?” Guys in leather on motorcycles were darting across the screen, “How’s my good puppy?” I cooed. Ziggy left no part of my face unlicked and his whole body vibrated with excitement.

  “Grease 2. Duh.” Blair draped her legs across my lap and leaned back, resting on a chevron throw pillow. “So, how was the maybe date?”

  “It was definitely a date, and I definitely may be falling madly in love with Dr. Asshat.” Blair smiled, arching a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at me. “I mean it. It’s like Mother Nature sculpted the man of my dreams and dropped him right in my lap. Now I just need to lose this weight and make myself almost attractive enough to be with him.”

  A pillow hit the side of my face… hard, “If I ever hear you say that again, I will beat your ass, Oz! You are beautiful and if he didn’t think so, he wouldn’t have taken you out. You are curvy and sexy as hell. Not to mention how fucking awesome you are. Dr. Sexy better appreciate how you look, or I’ll be neutering him. Beauty is not a size, and you damn well know it.” My best friend glared, “Got it?”

  “Got it.” I whispered and settled back to watch Michelle Pfeiffer sing about reproduction. Harris seemed to enjoy all my curves pressed against him, and I appreciated his reaction. I hoped my bestie was right, but in the back of my self-conscious mind, I only saw men like Harris with women who looked like supermodels, and I only heard my dad driving that point home.

  Chapter Eleven


  I backed Jolene out of the driveway, looking back to see Ozma watching me leave. I had hoped for a successful date, prayed for it even, and the whole night turned out perfect. The only way it would have been better was if she had gone home with me, but there was plenty of time for that later. Ozma wasn’t a quick fuck and I wouldn’t treat her like one. She wasn’t girlfriend material either. Ozma was the kind of girl you fall in love with, the kind you held on to forever, and I planned on doing just that. I just needed to make sure Ozma was on board; not that I was giving her a choice.

  I almost regretted making her walk with me in the rain, but watching her feed the ducks and having the excuse to hold her against me made me thank the shitty weather. And those kisses. Her bow shaped lips were pillow soft and I could taste the chocolate from dessert on her mouth. When I dragged her lush body against mine, I gave up on trying to control the raging erection I had been fighting all week. I wanted her to know what she did to me, how badly I wanted every sexy inch of her.

  Ozma had a shyness to her that I wasn’t expecting, a self-conscious streak that I never would have thought existed after the way she yelled at me. It pissed me the fuck off, but turned me on at the same time. On one hand, it meant that someone, probably her father, had told her she wasn’t good enough, but it also meant that the girl wasn’t as harsh as she could come across. Her lack of confidence meant my job would be a little harder, but I had no complaints about spending as long as it took to show her how perfect she was. Ozma wasn’t a dater by her own admission, but I was beginning to wonder if she had ever been touched at all. Her innocence made me want to ruin her, and watch her enjoy every second of it.

  By the time I got home, I had worked myself up again, and no amount of baseball thoughts could calm that beast. When I walked into my dark house, I ran my hand down Hemingway, my six-toed gray cat. He rewarded me with a quiet mew and went back to his nap, while I hit the kitchen for a beer. There was no fucking way I could make it nearly a week without seeing her. Thursday was six days away.

  I clicked through some channels and settled on a baseball game that I would only half watch, cyber stalking Ozma on social media. I lusted over every picture, making a point to note any with men in them. Any guys in pictures with her Blair’s family. My stalking only went so far before I broke down to text her. I wanted a late-night phone call, but didn’t want to wake her.

  Harris: Thanks for going out with me tonight. I hope you had a nice time.

  I didn’t have to wait long for her to respond as I polished off my beer and went to change.

  Ozma: Thank you for taking me. I had a great time.

  I had intended it to just let her know I was thinking about her, but she left it so open ended so I had to respond.

  Harris: Mission accomplished. Same time Thursday? Bowling?

  I changed and settled back on my bed in the dark, knowing I should be getting to sleep, but only wanting to talk to her.

  Ozma: Sounds like a date. I know you have to be up early in the morning, so I don’t want keep you up, but I hope I wasn’t too awkward. I haven’t been on a date in a really long time.

  There was nothing awkward about her. Shy, amazing,
and sexy as hell, but not awkward.

  Harris: Me neither and you weren’t awkward. I had a good time. Sleep well. See you Thursday.

  There was a really long pause before I got an answer, and I assumed she went to sleep, but just as I closed my eyes, the phone buzzed.

  Ozma: I can’t wait. Goodnight.

  * * *

  Harris: Goodnight, beautiful.

  A stupid smile plastered itself to my face and I plugged my phone in. I loved work, loved my solitude, and loved my life, but suddenly my bed seemed big and empty, my condo seemed too quiet, and I felt a little lonely. Talking with Ozma had been easy and painless, like we had always chatted about our days, and I was instantly aware of how easily she would fit into my life. Both of us had big plans for the future, and she fit into mine perfectly.

  As predicted, I couldn’t wait until Thursday to see her, I only made it to Tuesday. After agreeing to order lunch for the rest of the staff at work and reworking an appointment with Angie, I scored an hour and a half for lunch. I skipped eating to pick up flowers and head toward the beach. If I had been told that I would be going back to Ocean Blossom Boutique when I first took Rose, I would have laughed, but there I was, parking next to Ozma’s yellow bug. The parking lot was full again and the little bakery next door had customers on the sidewalk with pink bags from the boutique. God, I’ve lost my mind.

  I grabbed the flowers from the passenger seat and hopped out of Jolene, stopping to make sure I didn’t have any blood on my scrubs before going in. It had been one of those days. The bell chimed when I walked in and I was greeted by my sister. Rose ran at me, reaching for the flowers before I held them out of her reach.

  “Not for you, sis. These are for your boss. Why are you here and not at school?” I caught Ozma’s eyes across the room where she was working a register with Ziggy at her feet, and her face flushed red. Rose’s mouth fell open and she glared between me and Ozma.

  “Harry, you’re sleeping with my boss?” Rose hissed at me, stepping into my line of sight, forcing me to look at her. I hadn’t really thought about the consequences when it came to Rose’s involvement with me convincing Ozma to spend the rest of her life with me. It could end up awkward for her.

  “Why aren’t you in school?” I demanded.

  “Half-day work study, two days a week. Are you screwing my boss?”

  “I’m not screwing her, just dating her.” I shrugged and tried to get around my sister to my girl, but my path was blocked, and her hands were on her hips. Crap.

  “Is that why I got this job? Because you’re boning my boss!?” Rose’s green eyes started looking watery and I shook my head before she finished her sentence.

  “Nope. They hired you before I took her out. I swear, I had nothing to do with you getting the job, Rose.” I looked her dead in the eyes when I said it and was saved by a small group of women coming in behind me that Rose ran to greet. When I glanced up again, Ozma was making her way from behind the counter and coming toward me. The smile on her face made me forget my sister’s accusation and the fact that I was in a very feminine boutique smelling like dog.

  “What are you doing here?” Ozma’s big brown eyes stared at mine and ran all the way down to my toes as she approached.

  “Thursday was a really long wait. Do you have a minute?” She looked at Blair across the store, who waved at us dismissively. Her hand took mine and I was pulled through a door into a very cramped office. It was more like a closet with a desk. Ozma hopped up on the desk, settling between some stacks of papers in front of a computer, and gestured at the rolling chair for me to sit down. I dropped into the chair, realizing it was the first time I had sat all day without being in Jolene and sighed. Ozma raised her eyebrow at me.

  “Sorry, long day and it’s only lunch,” I handed her the bouquet of fall colored flowers, “I didn’t feel like I could show up empty handed.” I rolled the chair forward. With her on the desk and me in the chair, she was slightly taller than me.

  “You could have. It’s good to see you,” She took the flowers, bringing them to her nose and closing her eyes. My thoughts of Ozma, pure or not, had not been nearly as good as her sitting in front of me, “Thank you.” Forget sitting down to rest, I needed to be closer. I stood, towering over her, wedged between her knees, and moved the flowers from her lap. I had to touch her.

  Her chin rested on my chest and she peered up at me, “You been this busy all day?” I was rewarded with a dimpled smile and nod, “That’s great. You two should be proud.” Our moment almost came to a stop when I rested a hand on either side of her neck to trace her jaw. Ozma stiffened and her eyes went wide. I leaned down and kissed her head, mostly because I wanted to kiss her, but I also hoped it would ease her mind. It was the same reaction I got when I touched her by the pond. She tensed just slightly every time I grazed her skin, but it wasn’t stopping me. She needed to know that whatever made her have that reaction in the past was not something for her to worry about.

  “You’re too sweet. Rough day?” Ozma tentatively put her arms around my waist, linking her fingers at the small of my back. I didn’t want to tell her that Rick and I were tense and that taking her out had started a cold war. I also didn’t want to tell her that I had been doing surgeries all day and none of them had gone as well as planned.

  I shrugged, “A little, but I’ll be okay. I’m just glad I got to sneak over to see you.” We stared for a moment, just watching each other with a little bit of awe. Something about her against me, looking at me like the world had come to a halt, just felt right. It was where I was supposed to be.

  “I’m sorry it’s been a hard day. Hopefully it will get better,” Ozma looked up at me hopefully. My day didn’t matter at that point, nothing did. Only me and Ozma.

  “Do you know how long it’s been since I have wanted to touch someone so damn bad?” I tucked a blonde wave behind her ear and held her face in my hand. The answer was never. I had never wanted to touch anyone as bad as I did Ozma. The offers had been there, and I had dated a little early in college, but it was more of a distraction than anything else, and I had no time for distractions. “And all it took was you yelling at me and calling me a jackass.”

  “You were being a jackass,” She gave me look and I shrugged, “How long has it been?” Ozma said it like I was feeding her lines, but I had never been more serious.

  “That is a conversation for another time and place. I need to get back to work before Rick gets more pissed at me, but I’ll call you,” I took a step back and pulled her off the desk, winding my arms around her to pull her in for a kiss. Instead of pulling me in to her, Ozma had her hands on my chest pushing me away.

  “Tell me.”

  I knew I was going to lose the battle, “It would have been my freshman year, so seven years, maybe more,” I waited for her reaction, slowly pulling her closer to me. At least she quit trying to push me away.

  “Wait, so you haven’t dated anyone in seven years?” I slid my hand up her back to her hair, leaning in to get my mouth on her soft lips. I shook my head as I got closer, not wanting to answer. I had a better plan for the last few minutes we were hidden in the office. “But you’re so gorgeous, and so-” I cut her off by landing my mouth on hers. As much as I loved our conversations, I was running out of time, and as I stated, it had been a long ass time. Ozma gave up the fight and kissed me back, tilting her head to let me kiss her harder, deeper. I felt her pulse under my hand on her neck while my other hand knotted in her hair. Just like in front of the pond, her fingers gripped my shirt, pulling me impossibly closer. I let myself get lost and grabbed her waist, setting her on the desk again. I abandoned her mouth, dragging my lips down her cheek to her jaw and neck. She smelled and tasted like fruit, and I inhaled deeply at the hollow of her neck, committing the scent to memory. When I reached her collarbone, I got shoved back again and was jerked abruptly from my fog of Ozma.

  Ozma let her forehead rest on my chest, shoulders shaking with laughter, “About damn time you ge
t some action,” Blair’s voice hit my back, “Not that I really like walking into the office to see all of this, but you need to finally get laid. Now, cover the beard burn on your neck and get your ass back to work, Oz.” The door clicked and my laugh joined Ozma’s. I backed up and adjusted myself, but there was no hiding it under my scrubs. That beast inside wanted more, wanted her pinned against a mattress, against a wall. Not really picky, I just wanted inside her, wanted her crying out my name. It had been an eternity since I was balls-deep in a woman. Then there was Blair saying that Ozma needed to finally get laid. We were in the same boat there.

  “Get back to work before she threatens to kill me and hide my body,” I dipped my head for one more kiss and noted that her neck and cheek were red from my beard. If I had my way, her whole body would look like that.

  Ozma trailed behind me, hand in mine, out of the office. We got to the door, and I met her with a quick kiss before leaving to head back to work. By the time I got back to Jolene, I had calmed down a little and was counting down the hours until I got to see her again. Just two days and we would be bowling and talking. I’d invite her back to my place and hopefully get to wake up with her the next morning. My imagination got the best of me on my way back, thinking about cooking her breakfast, then having her spread out on my dining table for dessert. I realized what a sap I already was over the same girl who called me Dr. Dickwad.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Wait. Wait. Wait,” Rochelle always said ‘wait’ at least twice before asking the important questions. The third ‘wait’ meant it would be a good one, “You haven’t screwed him?” She and Blair were laid out on my bed, watching me in the bathroom across the hall as I got ready for my date, “Your silence tells me no, and that doesn’t make any sense. Dr. Hot as Hell is trapping you in the office for some serious making out and you still haven’t fucked him?”